New Post New Sail, Bling!!
Best way to start a post, with my new 3.7 Simmer Icon. Loving my new sails, the colour, the handling just everything about them, they're getting a top score of two thumbs up!!!
blogs been a bit slow but it the same story of uni work and lazyness, but this will change had my last lecture before christmas and i'm starting placement so i should be able to score some more sessions and more posts and the best news is that the daylight hours are increasing!!
The most recent and most memorable sesses (although could be over a mouth ago) where at Leasowe with Jon (Moo Custom) and one at Rhossy.
Rocked up to Leasowe after lunch not really expect anything, but with a WNW Lefts (or Uppers) was firing, although it took me a while to realise, who was scooting around in front of the car park. Although once i realise it was wave-o-rama out there good jumping and good riding of nice head high waves, (still waiting on photos to prove this form nick but they do exist).
Last warm sess at Rhossy bolt-onshore and big!
The sess at rhossy was a bit crap to terms of rides and jumping but it was pretty good just to score what was probably the last warm one of the year. The wind was bolt on which turned the bay into a bit of a obstacle course with some big ones rolling in, although managed to avoid a swim so all was good!!