Baby Moo's Christening @ Rhossy
Managed to get out on Saturday at Rhosneigr, made the usual call around to try and get some peeps to come with me but all were busy...So I went by myself! Sailing on my lonesome is completely different, but both as rewarding as each other; whilst your friends will push you, you have to push yourself when your on you're own.

At Rhossy it was 4.2 weather from the SSW so it was only very slightly onshore, the only downside was that the waves were packed fairly close together which caught me out twice - thinking that I got over one bit of white water, to being hit by another 2 seconds later! But the best wipeout of the day was due to a bad timed gybe, which resulted in sitting at the top of the wave as it broke (instead of infront!) went over the falls and went splat!...Was laughing all the way down though! Once back out there it was sweet! - I managed one ride with six turns, down to the conditions but also the board. Awesome for Rhossy
This was baby moo's first outing and it was amazing! Jon must of made a pact with the devil to shape something this well, rides well, jumps well, turns like a hamster on steroids what more can I say!!!

Jonny and Jay enjoying the lake
Got the news today that the work needed on the lake has been confirmed to start mid February, so hopefully have 2-3 more sessions at this great venue!! Work is expected to take three months but suspect it will probally take much longer, this kinda sucks as it will bite into the summer for all those wanting to learn or not yet confident enough to go on the tide also means I will have to start looking for a new job.
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