Gaskin's Evo after a long walk back from the beach
Monday I was up at 7:00 to get to Leasowe, and it was blowing it socks off (35kits+) and being on my 4.2 I managed two runs before coming in, a bit of a downer but at-least I got back for 9:00 and a second breakfast!!!
Wednesday I went to West K to catch a classic 'Kirby Day' with a strong NW blowing it shaped up to be a pretty awesome session. Gaskin and Alex Gloyne were out, Gaskin was going for and looking pretty good although still he's still insisting any wind is 4.7mtr wind. Whilst we were out the tide managed to fill the lake and it was just to easy for alex and me to drop in over from the beach, managed a couple of runs before the dirty looks of the contractors forced us of. Looks like we're not the only ones who have scored the lake this week with the speed guys scoring the lake at dawn and dusk!!
Friday was the day, sunny, windy and Leasowe. Gaskin, Jay and Jon were out, I would of taken some photos but I was having just to much fun. Jay was pulling some cracking forewards and backie attempts though i think he is feeling that his board is holding him back, maybe he should go shoe shinning to raise the funds?
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